How do I send a thank you video to my supporter?

This article will show you how to send and manage thank you videos to your supporters

Note: Our data has shown that each thank you video is watched over 12 times by the supporter, which goes to show their value to your supporters and hints at why so many creators have seen 3x-5x sales bursts when leveraging this tool! 

Within the Fourthwall app, go to Contributions > Thank yous. Don't have the app? To download the mobile app, you can just scan the code below, which redirects you to the app marketplace.

Screenshot 2023-02-09 at 14.17.54 (2)

How to send many thanks 

Within the Thank yous section of the app, you can both record and playback Thank You videos for supporters who have contributed and left you a message during checkout. 

On the initial screen, you’ll find tabs for Remaining, Skipped, and Sent.

  • Remaining: lists any supporters you still need to send a thank you video. If you have a lot of thanks left to send, we’ve gone ahead and organized how you should prioritize them. Our organization is set to sort through the contribution amount and the newest or oldest. 
  • Skipped: lists Thank You videos you have opted to — you guessed it — skip.
  • Sent: lists all the Thank You videos you’ve already recorded and sent.

You can also change the filtering by clicking the funnel icon on the top right-hand corner. Here, you will have various options for filtering/arranging the order of thank yous to show.  

What you see 

When you go to record a Thank you video, we have a heads-up display showing information about the supporter and the order. The information you will see in the heads-up display are: 

  • Your supporter's name
  • The number of contributions they've made in total based on email used
  • Their message left at checkout
  • The items they've ordered for this particular order  


Here is where you have the option to send a video or an audio message with up to 30 seconds of recording time. If you click the three dots in the upper right corner, you can hide the order details to see more of the screen or opt to skip that supporter.

If you skip thanking them and then change your mind, you can still go back and find them on the Skipped tab. 

What your supporter sees

Your supporter receives an email (email used for purchase) that says you have sent them a 'personal thank you!'

In the body of the email there's a screenshot of the thank you video you sent with link embedded into a blue button that says, 'Watch your video'. This link directs them to your store to view their personal thank you video. 

Check out a sample recording from our Chief Creator Officer - Phil Defranco.


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