How to update your shop theme?

With Fourthwall, you can choose from multiple theme templates to customize and make your site feel uniquely yours! Or, if you are refreshing your store, a different template may better suit you—this article will walk you through how to change your theme template.

Selecting a new theme template

1. Within your Fourthwall dashboard, go to the Site design tab > General > Theme

2. In the theme selection, you will click "+" to add a new them

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3. This will take you to the theme template catalog. Here, you can see the various theme options to choose from, preview each theme template with different color patterns, and see how it looks on desktop vs mobile. Once you have found a theme template you like, just click "Add this theme" to start customizing and making it your own.

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Learn more about designing and making your site your own in this help article

Selecting an existing theme template

1. If you have previously added or customized theme templates, they will stay saved within your theme options. To access, go to the Site design tab > General > Theme

2. In the theme selection, you will see all the previously added theme templates to your theme options. 

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3. To select one of your theme options and make your active one, click "Option" under the desired theme and click "Set as active theme". 

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Note: At the moment, only active theme templates can be edited. If you want to edit a theme but do not want your supporters to see it, you can mark your site as coming soon while you edit your active theme. The option of editing non-active themes is our new features roadmap. 

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