How do I use the analytics page to track sales and see profits?

This guide will show you how to track and read metrics on the Analytics page in your dashboard.

Within your Fourthwall dashboard, go to the Analytics tab to access your site analytics. 


Track your sales with comprehensive charts 

On your analytics page, there are charts designated to show profit, contributions, and average contribution value.

Before we go through each chart, you have two main filters for your analytics charts: Date range and Group by. The Date range allows you to select the time period you want to see the data for, and the Group by is the option of grouping by day or by hour for that data. Please note that the Group by option is only available for some date ranges (i.e., today, yesterday, last 7 days, week to date)

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Now, let's dig into each chart. 

Profit Chart

In the profit chart, you will be able to visualize your profit based on the date range selected. This could help identify the best days of the week to promote or to see how sales of a week-long drop stack up.

If you want to download and see the detailed data behind the profit chart, you can click "Full report" in the top right corner of the chart. On the detailed page, you will be able to filter profit from source (i.e., orders, donations, Twitch gifting, etc.) and also download the data in CSV format. 

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Members Charts

If you have membership activated, you will be able to track your member stats with these charts. On the left, you have the Total member chart based on those currently subscribed to your membership. On the right, you have your Members change chart showing the net impact of your membership for the date range selected. 

Like in the other charts, you can see the detailed data behind a specific chart by clicking "Full report" in the top right corner of the chart. On the detailed page, you will find additional filtering options along with the ability to download the raw data in CSV format. 

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Orders Charts

The next set of charts in your analytics dashboard is the Order Charts. On the left, you will find the Orders chart showcasing the total number of orders for the date range selected. On the right, we have the Average order value chart for orders made during the date range selected. The average order value is based on the total amount spent by your supporters on average. The higher the average order value, the more items supporters are buying at once. 

You can always see the detailed data behind a specific chart by clicking "Full report" in the top right corner of the chart. On the detailed page, you will find additional filtering options along with the ability to download the raw data in CSV format. 

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Top products and Sales by country charts

Next, we have a set of unique charts that can give you more insight into what your supporters are buying and where they are buying from. First, on the left, we have the Top products by units sold chart that displays which products are the most sold for the selected date range. Then on the right, we have the Sales by country chart that shows you which countries are driving the most amount of sales based on sold amounts.  

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Top tiers chart

Finally, we have the Top tiers by member chart. This will show which tiers have the most members and the number of members for each tier. 

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Knowledge is power 

Every chart has detailed data that you can access. To see the detailed data behind a specific chart, click on "Full report" in the top right corner of the chart. This will take you to a detailed page for that chart where you will find additional filtering options along with the ability to download the raw data in CSV format. 

If you would like to track traffic and site visits, you will want to set up Google Analytics. You can read more about it here: Adding Google Analytics to your site

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