This guide will walk you through the several options you have to customize a shop in the "Coming soon" or password-protected mode.
Follow these steps to make the most of "Coming soon" mode:
1. From your dashboard, go to Design & layout
2. Click on the Live button in the top righthand corner, and select "Coming soon" from the dropdown menu
3. You also have the option to password-protect your shop
Creating a password can be helpful if you would like to give others early access.
4. Once you create a password or select Coming soon, the green Live button will change to reflect that your shop is set to the Coming soon stage.
Note: If you choose to password-protect your shop, you will not be able to connect your Youtube Merch Shelf until your shop is Live (public).
5. To customize the look and feel of your Coming soon page, return to your dashboard settings and head to the Design and layout tab
6. Then click on "Home page" in the top left hand corner above your site preview and change to "Coming soon page" from the dropdown menu
Here you can toggle between the General and Layout tabs to customize your "Coming soon" page based on your preferences.