Team member roles and permissions

You can invite other people to access your Fourthwall dashboard from your settings page. We recommend that each team member has their own login and that logins are not shared with anyone else. This allows you to control your account, permitting you to easily remove team members or change their permissions in the future.

Fourthwall offers five different team member roles: Super Admin, Manager, Designer, Customer Support, and Fulfillment. Only Super Admin and Manager roles can invite team members and set the specific roles. However, only Super Admin can delete team members from your settings.   

Here we will discuss what each role means, the default permissions for each, and how to change permissions or roles. 

User Roles and Their Default Permissions

Super Admin

The super admin has access to everything in your Fourthwall account. Only the super admin can add or update payout details, and only the super admin is able to remove a team member from their Fourthwall account. Each Fourthwall account can have multiple super admin team members; the person who signs up for the account is the super admin by default. 


Managers have access to everything except payout details, removing team members, and changing roles to super admin. Although the manager cannot access or set up payout details, they can add or update credit card details in the payment section. 

Customer Support

The customer support role has access to all the required details for order management so they can properly serve your supporters as needed. This means they have access to order details, including canceling and refunding orders, gifts, giveaway links, thank yous, and fulfillment details. They also have view-only access to product details. 


Designers have access to all things products and theme settings. They are able to create new products, edit products and their details, create collections, update the status of a product, etc. They cannot, however, edit a product inventory stock count. A designer can also access all theme settings of your Fourthwall site. They cannot access order data, analytics, membership, or settings tab. 

Fulfillment Support

The fulfillment role has similar permissions as the customer support role, meaning they can see order details in order to fulfill all required orders properly, including canceling and refunding orders. However, the fulfillment role does not allow you to view product details or any other sections of your Fourthwall dashboard. 

Memberships Moderator

Moderators can create and edit posts, manage video series, moderate post comments, and read and reply to DMs. This role does not have access to any order, financial, or supporter data and can only access the following tabs: Posts, Video Series, and Messages.

Thank you note sender

This role only has access to the thank yous tab, so they can send thank you videos, audio, or photo messages to supporters. They cannot see any other information outside of the thank you queue. 

Adding or Changing Roles

The super admin is able to add or remove permissions for all roles. Managers are able to add and remove permissions for all roles except super admin. 

To add or change roles, head to Settings > Team.

New team member

1. To add a new team member, click on invite new member

Click on Invite new member

2. Enter the new team member's email and select the correct role for that member. Click invite for them to receive an email to create their account.

Click on dialog

Updating or removing an existing team member’s role

1. To update or remove an existing team member’s role, go to their name and click the ellipsis on the right-hand side.  You will see the options to change their role or remove that team member there. 


Click on Shop settings…

2. If changing the role, click on change role, and select which role you want this user to have going forward

Click on dialog

3. If removing a team member, click on remove, and confirm you want to remove this team member. 

Click on Yes, remove team member

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