Self-fulfillment: HS codes and why are they needed

What is an HS code? 

Harmonized Standard (HS) codes are used to identify and track every product that crosses an international border. Six digits is the global standard and the starting point for HS codes, but each country typically adds two to six digits to further define and distinguish products.

Why does Fourthwall require an HS code? 

As of March 1st, 2023, the Import Control System 2 (ICS2) has been implemented in Europe, encompassing EU countries, Northern Ireland, Norway, and Switzerland. Under this system, it is now mandatory for all shipments to be accompanied by an assigned HS code. HS codes are tied to import tariff (duty) rates and help speed the customs process. Products using the wrong or no HS codes may be assigned a rate of duty that’s too high, lead to delays or other problems at the border (i.e. shipment getting stuck).

When are HS codes required within Fourthwall?

HS codes are required for all products. For any products that are fulfilled by our manufacturing partners, we take care of that for you automatically, so you do not have to worry about it. If you do self-fulfilling products or products you ship utilizing our 3PL services, you must enter the HS code for each product.

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