Your site Terms of Service and Privacy Policy template

One of our goals at Fourthwall is to make your life as a creator easier. From taking care of sales tax compliance to customer support, we want to take the boring parts away so you don't have to worry about them. As part of having your own online site, you will need to have Terms of Service (ToS) and a Privacy Policy.

These ToS and Privacy Policy pages are important but a bit scary to tackle. As such, we have worked with great lawyers to provide you with a template of the end user terms and a privacy policy that you may use on your Fourthwall site.  Although we cannot provide legal advice, these can be used for your site and cover most general cases and uses by a creator. 

These two pages are automatically added to your site, and you only need to do something else if you want to modify them.  If you wish, you can always consult a lawyer and update your Fourthwall site's terms of service and privacy policy. 

Modifying your Terms of Service and Privacy Policy pages

To edit the text in your ToS or Privacy Policy pages, you first want to go into the Site design tab > Layout and select the specific page you want to edit. 

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Once you have selected the specific page you want to edit (i.e., ToS or Privacy Policy), you can then click on the text options to go into editing mode. There you will be able to edit the specific language on the page. One thing to note is there are some dynamic elements in the text like {{ shop_name }} or {{ shop_email }} that are built that way so that if your shop name or shop support email ever changes, you do not have to worry about updating the specific text, it automatically updates based on your shop settings. 

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