How do I edit my storefront colors and appearance?

This guide walks you through color tweaks for your background, text overlays, and all other appearance site elements.

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Go to "Design & layout" > "Colors & appearance"

STEP 1: Pick your colors

There are four color elements you can adjust:

  1. Primary color
  2. Background color
  3. Text color 
  4. Text Over Primary color

Note: The Text Over Primary color is the color of text and other elements that sit on top of your backgrounds using the primary color.

Click the color block next to the element you want to change and paste in a hex code (if you aren’t sure what hex code to use, use a tool like the ColorPick Eyedropper extension for Chrome to get the exact color you want).

STEP 2: Get advanced

In the Advanced section below, you will see three sliders. Here is what they do:

  • Button corner radius: Changes button edges from a right angle to more rounded corners of varying curvature.
  • Input corner radius: Same as the button radius slider, except this changes the edges for the different text input boxes such as the donation message box and customer information fields on the checkout page.
  • Image corner radius: This slider changes the corners of the product images from squared to round.

STEP 3: Aspect Ratios

At the very bottom the Colors & Appearance tab is a drop down that will allow you change the product photos’ aspect ratio from 3:4 (default) to 4:5.


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