How to edit menu and create drop-down menus

Part of your header and footer is your menu to display the main sections of your site, special collections, membership area, contact page, and such. You can edit the specific name, add/remove sections, and create drop-down menus. In this article, we'll go through how to customize this section of your site! 

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To edit your menu, you can go to Site design > General > Pages & navigation.

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You can also go via your header or footer editors Site design > Layout > Header/Footer > Edit Menu.

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When you arrive at the Edit menu options, you will see it is divided into three sections: Main, Footer, and Not in menu. The Main section is for the menu items shown in your site's header (i.e., home, browse all, membership, etc.). The Footer section is the menu items shown in your site's footer (i.e., returns & FAQs, contact, TOS, etc.). You can read more here about your site's TOS, and Privacy Policy.

The Not in menu section is for pages that are not shown in either the header or footer and only those with the specific address link can access it (perfect to use when testing designs or layouts). You can start designing a new page within the Not in menu section that you want to hide from supporters, and once it is ready, drag it into either the Main or Footer sections to make it available to everyone. 

Adding an item to your menu

There are three options that you can add to your menu: Link, Page, Collection.


The Link option allows you to link to an external URL. Here, you can update the title (wording that will show in the header) and add the URL. For example, I can call it "Blog" and link my external blog from here. We recommend you keep the naming/titles in your header/footer short and max of two words. 

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The Page option adds a page to your site that you can fully customize. You can use this page for whatever you need. We have seen creators use it for creating a direct page to the donation option, for newsletters, etc. When you click to add a page, it will prompt you to give that page a title, and then it will take you into edit mode for that specific page. 

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After you have created a collection, you can link them directly to your header. You can link a specific collection or just show all the products you have available. When you click to add a collection, it will prompt you to select from the drop-down menu between All Products and the collections you have already created. After you select the collection you want to add to your menu, it will take you to an edit screen where you update the title/name shown in the menu and also give you the option to update the collection selected if you wish.

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Creating drop-down menus

A drop-down menu is when you nest multiple menu items under one main item. You can use drop-down menus to group collections or pages together and make it easier for supporters to navigate your site. For example, if you have a lot of products, then you might want to add them to collections and use a drop-down menu to organize the collections.

Drop-down menus are created by changing the hierarchy of the menu items by clicking and dragging the dots on the right side of the menu item you want to move under another one. You then drag under that item and move to the right, you will see the item will show as indented. See the GIF below for an example. 

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Note: You cannot nest a drop-down menu under another drop-down or add drop-down menus to the footer. 


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