How do I use a custom domain?

This article will show you how to move your Fourthwall site to a custom domain. For troubleshooting and additional details on how DNS records are used, go to Troubleshooting your domain and DNS records.


Connecting a custom domain to your Fourthwall site like allows you to direct your fans to a fully branded page. 

Buying your own domain

You can use any of the major domain providers you prefer. We recommend using Porkbun as it is user-friendly and affordable. 

Connecting your domain

To connect a custom domain:

1. Browse to Settings → Domain and click the Connect a new domain option


2. When prompted, enter your desired domain or subdomain (without the https:// and without any trailing slashes) and click Connect domain:


3. For most common domain providers, Fourthwall uses Entri to automate the input of all DNS records, so you do not need to copy/paste these into your DNS provider. This can take 30 seconds to process and then will appear as a popup window. Click Continue:


4. If Entri supports your domain provider (like Google Domains above), you simply need to authorize, and it will fit out the information:


5. If Entri does not support your domain, you'll need to copy/paste each record into your domain DNS settings. 

6. Once complete, you can verify your domain, and it will appear in a syncing state as it prepares your SSL certificate for secure access to your site. This process generally takes no more than 15 minutes but can take longer if your DNS provider has set a long "cache" time on these records. It should not take more than 48 hours.


7. Once complete, your domain will appear as Connected, and you're ready to send traffic to this custom domain:


Frequently Asked Questions

How can I tell if my DNS record was entered correctly?

To check if your record was entered correctly, you can visit and type in the record name. If the value matches what Fourthwall's system displays, then it'll sync momentarily. If not, there are usually two common errors:

  1. The DNS record change hasn't synced. This is displayed via the TTL (time to live) field on Even if the new record is correct, you'll need to wait the time, in minutes, that is shown in the TTL field before the record can be verified
  2. The record was entered incorrectly. In this case, you can also compare what is shown on to your Fourthwall list to see the status

How do I migrate a Shopify Domain?

If your domain is on Shopify, follow this article to move to Porkbun domains or your preferred domain provider. Once you have transferred your domain to Porkbun, you can follow the steps at the beginning of this article.

How do I migrate a Teespring Domain?

For Teespring domains, you need to manually contact their support team to move the domain to Porkbun or your preferred domain provider. Once it has been transferred to the new domain provider, you can follow the steps at the beginning of this article.

Do I use "Proxied" records or "DNS only" records on Cloudflare?

When you add records on Cloudflare, please be sure to use the "DNS Only" option for all records. Internally, Fourthwall has its own caching and DDoS protection network. 

Can I use a subdomain?

Yep. Just enter your subdomain like "", and it'll work in the exact same way as your top-level domain (TLD).

For additional domain FAQs, including troubleshooting details, you can go to Troubleshooting your domain and DNS records.


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