Using StreamElements or Streamlabs to power purchase & membership alerts

Stream alerts are a fun way to engage with your fans and track their support. Fourthwall allows you to easily integrate your shop and membership with StreamElements or Streamlabs so you can display purchase events while streaming.

Connecting to third-party apps

To set up stream alerts using StreamElements or Streamlabs, you must first navigate to the Apps tab within your Fourthwall dashboard and find which app you want to connect. 

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Setting up StreamElements notifications

1. Find the StreamElements app within the Apps tab and click on the StreamElements icon to start connecting it


2. You will be asked to authorize Fourthwall to connect to your StreamElements account. Grant these permissions to complete the required setup steps from your Fourthwall account.

3. Next, from your StreamElements dashboard, go to Streaming tools → My overlays. Choose the overlay you wish to edit. 

4. Click the blue “+” in the bottom left of the window to add a new alert box (Alerts → AlertBox). Fourthwall will send alerts on your behalf via the Purchase alert event, so confirm the box next to that alert type is checked and then click on the Settings gear to configure the details of how your alerts will appear on stream. 

Tip: For text-to-speech settings, we recommend “Enable text to speech” on, with “Announce action” off to make your purchase alerts sound similar to other types of alerts.


Tip: Purchase alerts use StreamElements’ default unboxing animation. If you prefer to have the alert show the image of the item purchased, go to your Purchase alert settings and select “Override Graphics”. Select “First Item’s Image”, and the alert will now show the item that was purchased (for memberships, it will be the tier image). If the supporter purchases multiple items, the system will default to showing the most expensive item they purchased. 

5. Structure your on-screen message alert for purchases and membership subscriptions:

When structuring the on-screen message the alert displays, you have access to the following variables to use: {name} {items} {currency} {amount}

For purchases notification, we recommend structuring your message like this:

  • {name} purchased {items} and spent {currency}{amount}!


When it comes to membership subscriptions, we provide a special “-1” amount value that allows you to create a different alert for those. Just create a new purchase alert variation with amount set as “Variation Parameter” and “Condition” matching exactly the amount of “-1”:

So for membership subscriptions, we recommend structuring your message like this:

  • {name} purchased {items}!

6. Be sure to save all of your changes when done. Now you’re ready to start celebrating your supporters’ purchases live on stream!

Setting up Streamlabs notifications

1. Find Streamlabs app within the Apps tab and click on the Streamlabs icon to start connecting it


2. You will then be asked to authorize Fourthwall to connect to Streamlabs. Grant these permissions to complete the required setup steps from your Fourthwall account:

3. Next, head to your Streamlabs account to complete the process. From your dashboard, go to Essentials → Alert Box. 

4. Fourthwall uses the “Donations” event type to push purchase events to Streamlabs, so in the Settings section, go to the Donations tab and make sure your Donations Alerts are set to “Enabled”. You can also configure how you’d like your alerts to appear on stream here (note that you cannot customize the image that appears in the alert – it will always display the product purchased).

5. Remember to save your settings at the bottom of the page when you’re done. You’re all set!

Testing your Stream Alerts

After configuring your Streamlabs or StreamElements alerts, you may wish to test how they appear. To do this, head to your Fourthwall account and follow these steps:

  1. Create a digital product. You can name it anything and set whatever placeholder image you'd like - this digital product is just for testing. 
  2. Set the price at $0 so you don't charge yourself.
  3. Once you’ve created your test product, add it to your cart and checkout like you would with any other product in your store.
  4. Be sure to include a name and message during checkout to properly test text-to-speech. Once the purchase is complete, wait about 30 seconds.
  5. If you've set up everything properly, you should see the order alert pop up in Streamlabs or StreamElements overlay.

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