Perks: A Guide to Rewarding Your Members

This article outlines the perks you can offer your community with Fourthwall Memberships and how to enable them.

Choosing which perks to offer your members 

Fourthwall gives you complete flexibility and control over how you reward your members and set up your tiers. Choose from the following perk types to create a membership offering your community will love:

When setting up a perk, you can select which tiers the perk will apply to and customize other important details based on your preferences.

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Custom perk

With custom perks, you have maximum flexibility to customize your membership offering based on your brand, community, and goals. 

Check out some examples of custom perks:

  • Exclusive or early access to content, events, or giveaways
  • Engagement features (polls, AMAs, ability to request products)
  • Personalized rewards and recognition (custom videos, birthday messages, gift boxes, shoutouts, on-stream VIP role, etc.)

To add this perk, select “Custom perk” from the Perk type dropdown when creating a new perk, give your perk a title, and select which tiers have access. Click “Add perk” to confirm.



The Fourthwall Memberships x Discord integration allows you to grant special roles to your members. These roles must first be set up in Discord, and you can choose whether to have a single Member role or have different roles assigned to particular tiers.

To add this perk, select “Discord” from the Perk type dropdown when creating a new perk, give your perk a title, click “Connect to Discord,” and select which tiers can access the perk.

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Once the integration is configured, the Fourthwall bot will join your Discord server to automatically assign and manage Discord roles for your members. Members must connect to Discord through the /supporters/perks tab in your members' area to authenticate and will then be automatically granted the appropriate role in your server.


To function properly, this perk requires the Fourthwall bot to have permission to manage the Discord roles associated with your tiers. You'll be prompted to grant these permissions at set up —be sure to keep these in place in your Discord Roles in order to avoid disruptions.

Members-only discounts

Members-only discounts let you reward your members with exclusive promotions on the products in your shop. When enabled, promotional badges will appear on eligible products to help you build awareness of this perk among your supporters. 

There are two steps required to set up this perk. First, select “Members-only discount” from the Perk type dropdown when adding a new perk in the Memberships tab, then complete the following fields:

  • Perk title - title to be used in tier’s perks list and the section title in the Perks tab
  • Description - displayed in the Perks tab
  • Included in tiers - choose which tiers this perk should be included in


Once added, this section will be displayed to members in eligible tiers on the Perks page:


Almost there! To complete the process of setting up your members-only discounts, head to the Promotions tab in your dashboard and create a new promotion. Select the “Members-only” checkbox under the Requirements section and configure the promotion details based on your preferences:

For example:

  • Auto-applied on checkout (this means the promotion will be automatically applied for eligible logged-in members)
  • 10% discount
  • Applies only to a particular product(s)
  • Available for members in all tiers


Be sure to click “Save” in the top right-hand corner when you’re done. Members-only promo badges will now automatically display on products in your shop.


Members-only products

Members-only products let you offer a whole new level of exclusivity to your most loyal community members. Choose this perk to give members access to a product line only available to them. Once added, a section in your Perks tab lets members know exclusive products are waiting for them in your shop, and “Members Only” badges appear on selected products on your main shop page to help you promote this perk to all supporters. 

Adding this perk type is also a two-step process. First, add the perk by selecting “Members-only products” from the Perk type dropdown when adding a new perk, give your perk a title, and select which tiers have access. 


Once added, this section will be displayed to members in selected tiers on the Perks page:


Almost there! To finish the process of setting up members-only products, edit the product(s) in the Products tab of your dashboard and check the “Members only” checkbox at the bottom of the page. Finally, select who should have access to the product:

  • All tiers (the product will be available to all members in all tiers)
  • Selected tiers (the product will only be available to members in these tiers)


You’re all set. Once saved, the product will display a special “Members-only” badge on your shop:


Private RSS feed

A private audio RSS feed is an individual link generated for each of your members that allows them to easily access all of your audio posts in a centralized place. You must have at least one audio post for this feature to work.

To add this perk, select “Private RSS feed” from the Perk type dropdown when creating a new perk and complete the following fields:

  • Perk title: Title to be used in the tier’s perks list and as the feed title in the RSS feed 
  • RSS image: Image displayed in the feed (optional)
  • Include all audio posts: Select this option to add all audio posts to the feed
  • Include audio posts with selected tags: Select this option to add only audio posts marked with a particular tag
  • Hide this perk from the tiers list: By default, the RSS feed perk is displayed both as a bullet point in the tiers display and in the Perks tab for supporters. While your members will need to access this feature from the Perks tab, you have the option to select this option if you do not want to feature it in the Tiers list.
  • Included in tiers: Choose which tiers have access to this perk


When added, the private audio RSS perk will display in your Perks tab, where members can copy their unique RSS link and paste it into their favorite podcast player (i.e. Apple Podcasts).


You’re now ready to start customizing the perfect perks for you and your community!

Want to learn how top Fourthwall creators have set up their memberships? Check out our blog for some inspiration.

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