How do I create a collection?

What is a collection?

A collection is a way to group products and give them their own unique page on your site. You can also showcase collections on your home page by adding them via the site design tool

How to create a collection?

Naming the collection

To create a new collection, go to Products > Collections page and click "Create new collection". This will take you to the collection details modal, where you can enter your collection name. Keep in mind, the collection name is public and will be part of the collection URL

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Making the collection limited-edition (OPTIONAL)

To make the collection time-limited, click the “make this collection time-limited” box and then click “Starts” to select a date and time for the collection to go live. To set an end date, click “Ends” and do the same. As you pass your mouse over potential end dates, you will see the date range highlighted in blue.

If the collection date and time for start has already passed by the time you save the collection, it automatically goes public. If the collection date and time to go public are in the future, it will be hidden and become public once that date and time are reached.

Pick your collection’s products

Finally, you need to pick which products will be part of your new collection by clicking on the "Add product" button. This will allow you to pick from a list of products that you’ve previously designed.

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After adding products to your collection, you can organize them by clicking and holding on the six dots to the left of the item thumbnail, dragging them up and down the list. You can also set the product's position or remove it from the collection by clicking the three dots to the right of the item. 

Note: Removing the item from the collection only removes it from this collection; the item will still remain in your dashboard as it did before.

Pro Tip: Product display settings are set both for collections and the shop. So when you click “Browse All” from within a collection, some items may appear to “jump” to new positions. Feel free to play around with item positions in and out of the collection if you want a more seamless loading experience from a collection to “Browse All.”

Once you have added your products and set the order you prefer, click save at the bottom right corner. You will now see your collection page and a tab in the upper right corner that lets you toggle whether your collection is Public or hidden. 


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