How do I add social links to my storefront?

This article will show you how to add your social media links to your storefront

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Go to "Design & layout" > "Social links"

While merch is a main focus of your store, one of its more powerful capabilities is that it can (and should) act as a hub for your entire brand. Which is why we support adding all major social media sites, such as YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Discord, Twitch, Snap and Facebook.

To add a social media link, most fields only need you to input only the user name. But on YouTube, the channel ID must be added.  To access your channel ID follow these useful steps from YouTube’s help page:

  1. Sign in to YouTube Studio
  2. From the left Menu, select Customization, then Basic info.
  3. Under Channel URL, you can view and copy your ID. This will look similar to this string of letters and numbers. Now, add it into the YouTube field on your dashboard:

When adding a TikTok ID, be sure to place the @ symbol before the ID as shown below:


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