Adding Google Analytics to your site

Adding Google Analytics to your site can help you better understand the traffic your site is getting - where it is coming from, what pages are the most visited, etc. Let's walk through how to set this up on your Fourthwall site. 

1. The first thing you will need is a Google Analytics account.

2. You will need to activate Google Analytics 4, either create a new Google Analytics 4 property or move an existing property that you previously created.

3. Now that you have your property, you need to create a web data stream.

4. Copy the tracking ID so you can add it to your Fourthwall site. The tracking ID starts with "G-"

5. Within your Fourthwall dashboard, go to Analytics > Click on the 3 dots icon on the top right > Tracking pixels. Here, you will find a Google Analytics section with a box for you to enter your Google Analytics 4 tracking ID.  

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6. After you set up Google Analytics 4 ID, Google will start tracking various site and e-commerce events automatically.

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